Di lain pihak, justru akan ada orang yang merasa tersiksa jika banyak
orang memberi sesuatu atau memuja dirinya. Ia justru akan merasa
bahagia jika ia mampu memberi sesuatu kepada orang lain, meski tidak
banyak yang memujinya. Ia akan merasa risih dan sangat menyiksa ketika
pemberian dan pujiaan atasnya demikian terlalu tinggi. Apa yang terjadi
pada kematian Lady Diana –Ratus Inggris– beberapa belas tahun yang lalu,
adalah bagian terkecil dari fenomena perbedaan dalam memahami arti
bahagia. Karena itu, memperoleh kebahagiaan itu, menikmati segala apa
yang ada di dalam diri kita, menurut persepsi kita.
English Edition
A word never give the same meaning.Therefore, every word, though it may have one meaning, but, certainly has a different meaning to each other. For example, if today, we mention the importance of a happy life, that almost no other meaning of the word happy was, however, the word is going to have a different meaning relevance between one another. For example: There is a view that happiness would feel if a lot of people to give something or many who adore to him. A person will be tortured if not many people who give or adore to him. Given and adored by many people, he felt happiness.
On the other hand, it will be people who feel miserable if many
people give something or adored him. She will be happy if he is able to
give something to others, though not much praised. He will feel
uncomfortable and so painful when granting as too high. What happens to
the death of Lady Diana –Quin of Engglish– some twelve years ago, is the
smallest part of the phenomenon of differences in understanding the
meaning of happiness. Therefore , the happiness , enjoy all that is in
us , according to our perception .***Ali Alamsyah
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